Antique NON-FICTION Books

Click on the thumbnails below to open up ads in their own window (so you don't have to keep using your Back button to get back to this index). Remember to check back often, as I have books going up all the time!

The definitive study of the master novelist - going cheap! Wait till you see how cheap this is! A great study of a Master Poet - going out at an amazing price!
"The Novels of George Meredith: A Study"
"Essays by ABRAHAM COWLEY" - 1600's Poet
1904 1st EDITION gilt HC. Ultra-Cheap!
"The Poetry of CRABBE"
Master Writer of the 1700's
1955 FIRST EDITION! Priced to GO!

1879 !!! SAMUEL JOHNSON Biography going for an insane price!

1920's "Memories of Dean Hole" going out dirt cheap!

Samuel Johnson Biography
Literary Genius of the 1700's
1879 Cloth SC in XC! RARE FIND!
"Memories of Dean Hole"
The Very Rev Dean Hole
1920's Ornate HC in XC! Mega-Cheap!


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